MAIN DIFFERENCES ..meaning, function, also apostolic funding
The Mega Bottom Line: While the Cross Body Unity and Apostle Taveau Teaching Center all use the same doctrine, philosophy, and fruit, it is the money, income, and funding that we purposely need to clarify due to all the hostility out there.
Frankly, Cross Body Unity is not going to fund Apostle Taveau’s growing personal lifestyle. It is separate. Hence, I want to clarify my personal “tent maker” (personal lifestyle: clothes, daily bread, vacations, health club, hair and makeup, etc.) side and the Cross Body Unity movement, network, and office side (which is not my personal, family funding, or play, R&R, fun income).
Here is why for Godly purposes: “the offering of the Lord was despised in the days of Eli and his two sons” (1 Samuel), and it is still despised today. And as far back as I have been in full-time Christian ministry (starting back in the TV media pre-celebrity Christian days, with the two Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart scandals)…
CROSS BODY UNITY is a cross-Christian leadership ministry movement, open to Christian leaders of all races, ministry cultures, and backgrounds, whether or not they are in an official “church.” This intergenerational Christian movement offers Bible training, using “selahs” to encourage each person to pray, read their Bible, and hear from God to get His and their own opinions about this.
Taveau operates using the same philosophy, Cross Body “Identifying First Church Organic” in ministry approach, with the same type of Bible training. The Ephesians 4 pure, diverse, transformed community, aka “the Philadelphian Brotherly, Motherly Love Walk True Church” (Revelation), is the “heart-prepared Christ’s Bride” and also a prophetic picture of the soon-coming Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
This overseer vision purposely studies and connects all natural, formal, informal, past, present, and future (rising big generations) with Hero Bible. This is Enter In to INTER GEN, meaning each pastor, prophet, apostle, teacher, and witnessing evangelist of the “five-fold office” ministry generation.
Note: Neither CBU nor Apostolic Taveau is affiliated with or “under” any present or past religious sect, group, or denomination. This is for a reason due to the massive false teaching and abuse, such as the use of mean, false, authoritarian, mantled controlling authority. Rather, because of (see Sr. Pastor Taveau’s autobiography at the top for a better understanding of the purposes for all of this), control, toxic ministry behavior, bias, dysfunction in the deep grassroots “submission” type of ministry, and Apostle Paul’s commandment to flee from such (2 Timothy 3:1-8, 1 Timothy 6:5).
Pastor, Chief Apostolic Founder, Overseeing Director, and Prophetic Leader Sister T believes in persons finding “God-sent, pure, authentic, non-biased, non-authoritarian, but reasoning, mature, sent persons” to be accountable to. Taveau is on the lookout now for more. P.S.: If and when she gets married, then she will be both Ephesians 5:21 and Ephesians 5:22 to that one caring, wise, mature, true “must-be-God-sent” person.
Also, Pastor, Prophet, True Apostle Sister Taveau is a God-milled and sifted, training, equipping, and mentoring Galatians 1:1-2 ministry prototype, functioning as an Acts 17:17 Pauline prototype and is Ephesians 5:21 to all. More to come later.
It’s also intended to be a non-celebrity, grassroots Christian genuine fruit movement, with “no membership” “no Big I’s, Little you’s, and self governing ‘self control” with each loving person being “sent” .
See apostolic model entire Ephesians 4
Hence, We Do Not Change the Holy Bible to please society or ourselves.
Rather we change US, our METHODOLOGY and our TONE.
Lampstand Motto:
“It’s about the FRUIT not the FORM, the LOOK or the LOOT”
James 3:17 Fruit (one needs to go to God for His strength to live this out when one is under extreme pressure) “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit (Galatians 5:22-23 God’s love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, meekness. self control (temperance, self government: the ROOT of all personal, life, ministry, God pleasing sincere authority)
It currently funded by God directed love gifts of any size from $5.00 to 30.00.
POINT: This is to make sure it is a every day, walk of life persons real Move. Also there is no 501c3 tax write off, as TD is experimenting with the fact that one day 501C3’s “might not’ be allowed. And we want to offer each giver an opportunity to link their faith in GOD as, if they feel impressed by God to “DONATE” That ‘verse” to claim is Matthew 6:4 “give in secret and the Lord will reward YOU openly”. (Plus I plan to teach on this extreme odd method soon …it will be line upon line but later)
Honesty: Dr T will NOT use any CROSS BODY UNITY Love gifts for hair, clothes, jewelry, etc but JUST for “office, ministry related purchases, such as computer, tithes to persons who help the least of these and extravagance.
Apostle Taveau will uses the TTC, all the featured options and any other donations for “her ministry tentmaking” income. House, Food, Car, Life Needs. IF she sells books, CCLI royalities, (if she can get these going once more)
MORE LATER to clarify. In. a rush today
The main differences are these:
CROSS BODY UNITY International is a Christian Leadership, Ministry Lay, all Believing Styles of Genuine True Christians,
As it is “Holy Spirit, divine appointment” “team” ‘community’ and ministry collaborative.. as seen by Paul in Galatians 1:1-2, Act 17: 17 and pure transformed Ephesians 4 “Community” it is free will, and not controlling. Also there is no members, no covering , no control. Also it is not a denomination it is simply each person “choose to model the fruit”
which is EORR : Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Being made in in God’s Image (Psalm 1i9)
This means all races, styles, genders, ministries, even non believing persons and lifestyles and each human person acting out James 2:17 “relationship fruit” which resembles “the wisdom coming from above” which is “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hyporcrisy”
Note this will require much work, self humbling and honor and respect (“mutual submission in the fear of the Lord”) by Apostle Paul Ephesians 5:21. Which is assessed as each person modeling respect for all akin to the old TV Show Andy of Mayberry, where we notice head of clan and local Sheriff Andy Taylor in his respectful relationships with Aunt Bea, son Opey, Deputy Barney Fife and any others
This does not imply that you or I compromise, endorse or believe all others, simply that WE GIVE THEM JESUS “AUTHENTIC REAL RESPECT.
They who are following Christ do not have to agree with, compromise or endorse any of us (me, you, believers)