Wise Counsel, Speaking and Ministry Consulting now available
And COMING SOON more online and OFF ..teaching, equipping, ministry gatherings, Locations in Ft Mill, Charlotte
We also going to be SENT to have good worship, ongoing humor/ laughs, also ministry recreation and “more” Here for “prayer” also. But right now Taveau and this needs special ministry prayer@admin….

To sign on to lift this up in ministry prayer: Connect taveauteachingcenter@gmail.com

We refer people to churches and address non servant things ‘up front” also reprove correct and when allowed “confront”…Taveau never tolerates accusation, talebearing, gossip. For that is the sign of a lot of today’s modern “show biz’ effect Perilous Last Times 2 Timothy 3:1-8/I Timothy 6:5 dysfunction.

Plus we’re in our niche, the assessed as the “apostolic Pauline type of outpost” which means a God SENT Galatians 1:1-2, Acts 17:17 mega prototype, which means that Sister Taveau is “submitted to all” in Pauline First Church Ephesians 5:21. And she is a prophetic office type of Deborah, whom is a Child of Issachar, who offers one more perspective, via divine appointment, network sharing ( meaning no “club members”) as a resource, to complement the theology and build bridges of community connecting, servant collaboration, ideas and end division, build understanding between various senior ministries, sincere persons which are already ongoing.

This Last Days Ministry is open to all races, sizes and styles, cultures of ministry. And we want to have “Ask Theology Questions” open to the seeker, concerned, anyone late 2024 or 2025)

To Contact: taveauteachingcenter@gmail.com AND crossbodyunity@gmail.com Leave Voice Mail: 803-792-7070

NOTE: THE OCTOPUS has many arms. These arms represent the mega facets of this ministry. It if for the Body of Christ as a “resource.” Nobody has to join or expect to be “under” this myself. I am opposed to all forms of mega, micro controlling. I use examples to be upfront, candid and respectful, even if, when, as I disagree, with maybe. your self. She gives Honor: For this I give the honor to Bishop TD Jakes for giving this octopus illustration. I was in DFW in 2005 or 2006 and went to visit his fine mega church. Back then, on that given Sunday, he stated that he had 19K members. Bishop Jakes commented that due to his being so very multifaceted, that many people could not figure him out. So he told them to picture an octopus, which has many legs, tendrils, arms and that each ‘arm” represented ONE PART of his gift, call. And he told the people to “choose whatever arm they felt drawn to, and to go after just that one!” I say the same. AND this fulfills (perhaps my very first office prophecy, from 1991 ) that I would “move in diverse operations of the Spirit’**
**Backstory: And while this “word” was my introduction to what was to come “the big office prophet/ prophecy movement” ..this myself has rarely had many “office/ personal prophecies.” It’s been very rare…. presumably, as I always heard God’s word, Bible ministry, praying, praying in the Holy Ghost.and it is revealed, in my heart .Thus, for the most part,the word of the Lord directly to, for ME from ANOTHER, has been very rares(for me to get called out ); Rather, the “word,principle, the direction” which I had gotten before, was “confirmed.” This this senior office pastor,prophet “Sent Galatians 1:1-2″w servant apostle, teaching minister wisely advises, that each valid person start to know about office prophecy, Book of Acts, moving in the Holy Spirit ministry with John 16:13″ Also, the FREEDOM to Philippians 2:12, pure Apostle Paul to continually “work out your own salvation”
