Pure Hearted Contact: crossbodyunity@gmail.com (C)2025 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
Cast your cares. Enter into His Peace and Rest. ✦ Return to Calm and re-evaluate your Life and Ministry. Taveau assists with mature Bible teaching and ministry, as well as apostolic-prophetic clarity and discernment. Office Prophecy,Apostles,Prayer without LP control. We Value “Humans” so we are not political partisan yet Real Respect + use Bible values. We are open to all races, all styles, all sizes of Christian ministry.NOTE: We are not against any other faith or belief system. Rather, we respect and value all God formed “humans” who are made in His own image and beloved, and who deserve to be valued and respected. However, please let it be made known that we address the “professing Christian” here, so please understand that. ✦ Prophet Taveau admires all who are “respectful” and “passionate, well thought out for their cause,” whether they are Jesus followers or not. Why? It’s about the choice to “be either hot or cold, not lukewarm” (Revelation 3:15). ✦
Everything here is open-ended (Note: This is not forsaking any “absolutes”). It’s simply allowing, “respecting” everyone to fully think, evaluate, question, then hear God for themselves and prophetically “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). Yet, this is not “greasy grace,” but rather a submitted Selah approach, encouraging each person to be a “noble Berean” by comparing everything with what the Bible truly says: to see if it is true. “Pauline approach” ✦
Taveau understands the “revelatory” side of God and His free Holy Spirit, yet she does not want anyone to feel pressured about any of it. Note: Rather than being a hardcore authoritarian, accuser, or Bible thumper, Dr. T is persuasive, using James 3:17’s pure fruit. ✦ Sr. Office Director Sister Taveau is very multifaceted—a creator who worships, designs, and theorizes in a Holy Spirit easy-going “revelatory realm” (via an understanding of God’s grace). This is similar to Paul in Ephesians 1:17, which comes from a mature, abiding relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah. ✦
Who suffered on the rugged cross and died to pay for all of our sins, to give us His POWER, and then rose again in VICTORY and Abundant LIFE, now and for eternity. ✦ Taveau specializes in extreme circumstances—Extreme Calm, Genuine Joy, and Extreme Peace in the many fiery furnaces. “Overcoming and enduring in God’s mighty process… while making His slow, seemingly ‘bare to none’ or sometimes ‘mighty BIG’ progress!” ✦
Mature Letters to the Every Day Normal Person, Be They Inside, Outside, Over, Under an Official Christian “Church”
BELOW is what’s UPCOMING as this is very MULTIFACETED. It’s akin to an Octopus. Each leg has one of the ministry authority calls.
To simplify, JUST GO AFTER THE LEG that you feel drawn to by the Lord.
Read A.R.T. Abiding James 3:17 “Relationship Theology” See above
For All To Know: this is a Christian Human’s servant apostolic, diverse, community business ministry: For a resource, without “membership”and to give a different perspective. Optional, fun and deliberate, sober. Apostolic Taveau Teaching & Resource Center is the business (her ministry tent maker) and EORR Cross Body Unity, Online Ministry Fellowship” You want to be SENT, but NOT a MEMBER” …is the cross Body movement. “This is as “type” of ‘sent apostle like Paul in Galatians 1:1-2, Acts 17:17, being ‘submitted” to all in First Church Ephesians 5:21, for the Bride of Christ “transformed community “Ephesians 4;
We’re open. Please leave voicemail. IF we do not reply, it’s due to BUSY , also Holy Spirit ‘led.” YOU want to do the same. Prophet, Apostle, leader, founder, Sr Pastor T meets for tutoring(theory, composing, mature apostolic theology), iron sharpens iron,and wise advice. Taveau consults also.
REASON: It’s about giving each one a voice…and giving the Christ’s Authentic “RESPECT” and VALUE for each and every ONE. Isaiah 1:18 IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIP not Bible thumping, mind reading, believing the wicked report..but it’s about ‘up front polite, in private, humble CONFRONTING:
“Come, let us reason together, thought your sins be as scarlet, He will wash them white as snow” National Prophet Isaiah See it as I John 1:7, Revival Luke 1:17
Pure Hearted Contact: crossbodyunity@gmail.com (C)2025 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
HUMOROUS Revelatory Realm but also this is apostolic visionary as well as Bible grounded, as in “the Holy Scriptures PLUS the Power of God” Christ in Matthew 22:29 “There is a God in heaven who reveals MYSTERIES” said Daniel 2:28; Way long before WIFI and technology, true Apostle Paul was given, “What eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of ANY person,those things which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, BUT those things ARE REVEALED by the Spirit,for the Spirit searches all things, yea, even the deep things of God’ 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (ALL NOTE:Each of these are the Bible Foundations,Course of Pauline Style (Ephesians 1:17) “by God’s grace given REVELATIONS and the SOURCE of apostle TD’S wisdom, ideas, insights, understandings plus what is termed in modern Christ following “the apostles and office prophets” who (Ephesians 2:19-20) “Build the church from the bottom on up” MY TESTIMONY which encountered the MANY TRIALS, TESTS. (Her own Membership in the only organization that SHE REALLY WANTS to keep membership in; Jesus FOS Club ,the Galatians 1:1-2/Acts 17:17, mutually submitted to ALL Ephesians 5:21…. pioneering ministry “Fellowship of His Sufferings”
now turned into the Mentoring plus the “CBU” Cross Body Unity, primarily, supposed to “servant leader apostolic” mainly CHARISMATIC REFORM.
Ephesians 2:19-20 from the King James Version (KJV):
19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets , Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.
TD’s IFFM Mentoring (International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries) is based upon a two-week Holy Spirit visitation in 1995 when I was SENT to the USA, primarily to the charismatic movement during the former mighty ministry moves of the Holy Spirit. This included the growth of worship to what it is today, the increase of TV and media effects, and the rise of celebrity, branding, and wealth.
TD was “Sent” to observe many different styles and types of “Christian prophetic,” their leader doctrines, big organizations, and more. She was repeatedly SENT to know Florida, the East Coast, DFW (15 years), NC and SC, plus her home state of VA, as well as AL, MO, and more (and prior to this,many key times was sent to apostolic early”faith. movement” Tulsa, OK).
Dr. T was called at age 24, in 1976, to surf and study the leader doctrines in the Body of Christ. She established her own separate ministry in 1987 and has been “out with the massive crowds” and in area-wide ministry, engaging with all races, sizes, and beliefs of Christian ministry.
However, as God opened up more about Taveau’s personal call, it was in 1995 that this was “downloaded.” Later, Sister Taveau formed a 501(c)(3). However, as the “charismatic TV media-affected ministry” and its following fruit became addicted to itself, dysfunctional, and no longer truly trustworthy, Taveau, as a prophetic act at the leading of the Lord, set down her 501(c)(3) in 2013 in DFW and existed by apostolic ministry “faith.”
NOTE TO ALL “This is an apostolic “humans” ministry (males and females) .Overseer pastor,prophet, servant apostle, teacher, IFFM leader founder Dr Taveau now resurrects this based on “apostolic ministry deep revelation, extreme life experiences, deep wisdom and knowledge, often experiential learned wisdom.” She mentors, loosely, God-sent persons based on Ephesians 2:19-20. This comes from all of this, over a long, super slow, loving period of time. It is now sent to whomever feels it in the Christian leadership authentic, pure-hearted Christian Body.
Note: There is a fee, and one must apply and pastor T must first ‘hear about it from the Lord’ in order to “Accept”
AND ANYONE Please feel FREE to ask “Random Bible theology questions: taveauteachingcenter@gmail.com
Writers, worship musicians, web and high gurus, good parents, hero role models, advocacy for those in many situations, TV media, service, ongoing prayer, referring others, “It Takes a Village”loose bunch of kind human souls, who keep watch over the dysfunctional, fallen on hard times, have no home, need emergency connections, (as it requires TOO MUCH to take many of these God formed humans person “ON” as a responsibility.however with a GROUP (the Village, we can manage) VIEWPOINT? “HONORING (not being annoyed by!!) the God Given GRACE to HELP and SERVE the Least of These”. Psalm 41
Worship, music, art, design NOT to turn into famous celebrity, advantaged ministry King or Queen, but to bring out the anointing to let GOD form something true, lasting and real.
“It’s the anointing that breaks the yokes off other people lives NOT just the talent, His gift.
Touch base on a regular monthly, basis, Be Encouraged, Author, the experienced, published and servant leader mature Miss Pam is there to give editing many points.